
I grew up knowing how to sew. I’m older so I learned to sew in Home Economics class and from my wonderful Grandmother. I really didn’t do much sewing when I was young because I worked a full time job and was raising two energy packed little boys. A few years ago, my brother in-law passed away and I wanted to make something special for my sister. With the help of YouTube, I learned how to print pictures onto fabric. I used another video to relearn how to make a quilt, and I was able to make her beautiful quilt with her family pictures printed on it.

I started making other quilts, tote bags, aprons, and holiday items. Before I knew it the sewing bug had bitten me again and I was buying patterns to make other items. Some of my favorite things are the Cuddly Animal Friends. Cute little bears from a pattern I found on Etsy, at Make A Memory Bear. My granddaughter’s favorite is the Cuddly Bunny pattern I got from Leah Day at mallythemaker.com .

I’ve been collecting more patterns and have a lot of new items coming soon so be sure to check back often to see what I found to make.